“Everything in life is about balance”
Did you know that you have both feminine and masculine energy?
Feminine energy is all about being and masculine energy is all about doing. We need to tune in to our masculine energy when we want to get things done. The demands of modern life mean that many of us have become so accustomed to using our masculine energy that we have neglected our feminine energy to such an extent it’s as though it no longer exists in us.
Do you ever feel like you’re so busy running around getting things done that you don’t have time to just be and feel?
It’s no wonder we can find it hard to emotionally connect with those around us, particularly our partners, because we are not feeling and connecting to our emotions. This can affect both men and women, and it is completely toxic to relationships.
It is easy, as a woman, to find yourself busy running around doing things for your man, in the belief that the more you do for him, the more he will love you. This is a myth that so many of us have been told, or that we have interpreted from the way we were raised.
Growing up in Malaysia, my parents showed their affection for my brothers and me by doing things for us, making sure that we were clothed, fed, sheltered and provided for. Acts of service were their love language; the way in which they communicated their love for us.
What I have discovered is that the more we do for our men, the more we can grow to resent them, because we feel like we keep on giving without getting much in return. This resentment can grow to the point where we are prepared to walk away from the relationship. We blame the man entirely, without taking any responsibility for our own actions and the choice we have made to do everything for our partner.
“The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you’ve lost it”
The truth is, we don’t always have to do to show our affection. Sometimes we can just be. When we just take time to be, we are calmer, more relaxed and able to be present. In my experience, I’ve found that men tend to be attracted to women who are comfortable just being themselves.
Your feminine energy is the energy that makes you so alluring and irresistible to men. It is the secret weapon with which you can get men totally hooked. It’s like a drug.
Some women choose to focus on their masculine energy and are happy for their men to have a primarily feminine energy. There’s nothing wrong with that, if it works for you! I choose to be feminine and I’m very happy for my man to be masculine. My man likes this arrangement too, and so it works for us.
Take some time to think about your relationship and how each of you uses your masculine and feminine energy. Are you in balance? Find the energy that works best for you and your man, and you will find a new level of harmony in your relationship.
Balancing act
Do you and your partner have a good balance in terms of your masculine and feminine energies?