Dating Younger Men: Does Age Matter?
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter”
Would you start a relationship with a man who is five years younger than you?
Here’s a scenario for you: let’s say you are attracted to each other, and although your young admirer is aware of the difference in year between the two of you, for him it doesn’t mean anything. For your part, you love being in his company and find him extremely desirable, but you have greater concerns about the age gap and what it might mean in the longer term.
My advice would be that providing you love each other deeply, the age difference shouldn’t matter to you.
Age is just a number. The more it bothers you, the harder it is going to be for you to connect with your man, and in the end it could ruin the relationship.
I have a girlfriend who is ten years older than her man, and they have been together for almost fifteen years now. He is still very much in love with her. At the beginning of the relationship his age did bother her. I think it’s natural to have some concerns when starting a new relationship when there is an age gap, whether your partner is younger or older. Will you have the same interests? Will their level of maturity match up with yours? Will you want the same things? Will you share the same expectations about settling down, starting a family, travel and work? Will the age difference become a problem for him further down the line?
“It is not our age, but our attitude which makes a difference”
My girlfriend soon came to realise that it would do her no good to carry this heavy, negative energy around with her when she was with her man. All that would happen was that she would push him away, so she decided to live in the moment, and at that point her entire relationship changed for the better.
Some women will worry that a younger man may leave them for a younger woman. However, being with an older man is no guarantee that you will be together for life. That’s why it’s so important to live in the moment.
Regardless of the age of your partner, you should always be in a position to support yourself financially and be able to move on with your life, should you choose to part ways. A difference in age shouldn’t mean one partner leans more heavily on the other. In fact, disparity in age is far less significant than disparity in self-reliance when it comes to determining the success of a relationship. By giving each other the space to grown independently, you have a much greater chance of growing together, too.
Youth or experience – which do you choose?
Would you go out with a younger man or do you prefer older men?